In the world of fashion, diversity has always been an infinite source of inspiration, each culture brings with it a unique baggage of styles, fabrics and traditions that intertwine to shape rich and vibrant garments of creativity.

The GX Fashion Week scheduled for next Monday 26 February 2024, at 7.30 pm at Palazzo Emilio Turati, located in the heart of Milan’s fashion scene, in Va Meravigli 9/B, will embrace these diversities in a tangible way, representing an event at its best of absolute depth full of colors and aimed at valuable manufacturing, elegance and style, set inside a structure that preserves the “Winged Mercury” of De Amicis, painter, exponent of “Chiarism” who prophesied with good omen the relaunch of Milan in 1956. An edition organized by the already consecrated “Showteam” Association, in the figure of the highly trained President Gentiana Dervishi, already the protagonist, in the previous editions of the Milanese fashion weeks, of acclaimed successes, praised and well reported by various media from all over the world. world, but not only, also present at the Paris fashion week last October, where the public was enchanted, fascinated and seduced by the garments that did justice to a series of absolutely prestigious catwalks.

“On February 26th I am sure that we will beat all our records of multicultural manufacturing elegance. With my staff we have selected stylists who will remain in the deepest memory of our wonderful sector. The choice of the designers was not at all random, but rather carefully thought out towards the most meticulous details in which the creativity of the models you will see on the catwalk had to marry with tailoring skills of the highest level of craftsmanship and the new manufacturing technologies had to respect symbiotic rules linked to the concept of handmade” declares Gentiana Dervishi.

“Furthermore, what makes me happy is learning the joy with which established designers embrace our project, but also taking note of the realization of the dreams and desires of the younger, therefore emerging, designers, who represent the future of this wonderful , a fascinating world that I love with all my being.” The collections of Anton Giulio Grande, special guest of the day, Margarita Kola, Sartoria Perrera by Umberto Perrera, Kenu by Ketty Nuñez, Associazione Internazionale Mubri (Spain) represented by the designers Elsy Aragòn (Indigo), Martha Guevara (Marta Guevara) will be on the catwalk. , Andreea Siia (Siia), Delphine Temples (Evidid), A Tangerine Design by Lejda Troci.To make models wonderful and enchanting, a team of make-up artists and hair stylists from numerous countries around the world: Silvana Mekoqi, Alex Radulescu, make-up coordinators, Arta Kola Corrado Costanzo, hair stylist coordinators, then Livia Qoshjea, Valentina Shala, Liljana Grembi, Liri Maletaj, Vjollca Bregu, Giulia Straquadagno, Hgroina Miftari, EnkeleJda Dupi, Flavia Halili, Jetmira Rrucaj. General director of coordination of all sectors Alessia Xhafa and finally the blogger, communicator, radio host and podcaster Alessio Marrari will present the event.